Japanese Program

The Japanese language program offers courses ranging from the first-year to the third-year level. Please refer to the table for details on the course offerings for each academic term.

YearFall Quarter:Winter Quarter:Spring Quarter:

Students looking for an immersive language experience can take JAPAN 1, 2, 3 over the summer.
Courses are offered through Summer Sessions: D, E, F

1stGENKI (Vol. 1) [3rd Edition] — Textbook & Workbook
2ndGENKI (Vol. 2) [3rd Edition] — Textbook & Workbook
3rdTOBIRA: Gateway to Advanced Japanese — Textbook
Please refer to the Placement Test Information section below for further details.

Students who have prior experience studying Japanese before enrolling at UCSB are required to take the Japanese Placement Test before registering for a course.

Japanese Language Placement Test
If you have studied Japanese previously or speak it at home, you are required to take the placement test to take Japanese language courses at UCSB. The placement test will be given on Canvas and Zoom. Please fill out this form here to register for the Japanese Language Placement Test. Further instructions on the placement test will be emailed after you sign up for the placement test.

:: How to Prepare for the Placement Test ::
Before taking the placement test, review the materials (textbooks) from the course(s) you have previously taken. We recommend focusing on verb and adjective conjugations, as well as vocabulary and kanji. For more information about each level of our Japanese courses, please refer to the link below.

Japanese Language Course Description

If you have any questions regarding the Japanese Language Program, please contact the Program Coordinator, Yoko Yamauchi at yokoy@eastasian.ucsb.edu