Akiyo Cantrell
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Japanese Language
HSSB 2236


Akiyo Cantrell teaches first-year elementary Japanese. She has a Ph.D from Department of Linguistics at UCSB. She studies sociocultural linguistics as well as discourse functional grammar in Japanese. Akiyo is particularly interested in narrative discourse and identity of speakers observed in naturally occurring speech. She instructs Japanese 1, 2, and 3, applying her sociolinguistic and discourse functional linguistic knowledge of Japanese to her teaching.

Selected Articles:

  • 2003 ‘Japanese wa in Conversational Discourse: A Contrast Marker.’ Studies in Language 27 (2): 245-285.
  • 1996 ‘Otoko to Onna to Home: Daigaku kyanpasu ni okeru Home koodoo no Shakai gengogakuteki bunseki’ [Men, Women, and Compliments: Sociolinguistic Analysis of Complimentary Behavior on University Campuses.] Nihongogaku [Studies of Japanese] 15: 68-80.