Chinese Program

CHINESE Language Placement Test for Winter 2025

Students who have studied Chinese or speak it at home, MUST take the Placement Test in order to enroll in Chinese language classes at UCSB (except CHIN 1).

The next Chinese Placement Test will be on Friday, January 3, 2025 from 10:00am-12:00pm
Please sign up for the test using this FORM

About the Chinese Placement Test

The Placement Test will be online and consists of two parts:
Part 1: listening, reading and typing (90 minutes) on Canvas
Part 2: Interview (10 minutes) on Zoom

How to prepare for the Placement Test
Review the materials (textbooks) of the courses you have taken before.

Materials that we use:

First-Year Chinese (Chin 1-2-3) <Ni Wo TA> Developing Chinese Fluency: An introductory Course

Second-year Chinese (Chin 4-5-6) < Transitions: Developing Chinese Fluency: Intermediate Chinese

If you have questions, please contact the Chinese Language Coordinator: Bella Chen at 〈

Please Note: The Chinese Language Placement Tests are ONLY for students who plan to take a Chinese language course or need to be evaluated for the Chinese Major or Minor or the Asian Studies Major.

If you are not an EALCS Major or Minor and are not planning to test into or enroll in Chinese language classes at UCSB:

Please sign up for the CHINESE LANGUAGE EVALUATION for students who need to clear the Area B GE (3 quarters) or who need to clear several quarters of Chinese for their Majors and Minors. Please sign up for the CHINESE EVALUATION with thisForm 

Classical Chinese Placement Test for FALL 2024

Please email Prof. Thomas Mazanec ( to arrange a placement test for Classical Chinese. The test is offered once a year, during the first week of the quarter in which Chinese 101A is offered (Fall 2024) and will require you to produce an accurate English translation of the literal meaning of a brief Classical Chinese text. Consulting dictionaries and other resources is permitted. Email Prof. Mazanec for further details. Note: This is for Classical Chinese (文言文), not Modern Mandarin Chinese. For Modern Mandarin Chinese, please follow the instructions above.