Banner for "Study Abroad Scholarship 'Taiwan Huayu Best' Information Session"

Announcing New Exchange with National Taiwan Normal University

UCSB Division of Humanities and Fine Arts has signed an Agreement with National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) in Taipei, Taiwan.
Each year, they will fund a total of 12 UCSB undergraduate and/or graduate students to study Chinese language at NTNU.  Ten of these fellowships are short-term (3 months); 2 of them are longterm (5 months).  It is open to UCSB student applicants who are U.S. citizens.  It provides free tuition and a monthly stipend of NT$25,000 (U.S.$786), which is enough to cover modest accommodations and meals in Taipei.  Students of both beginning to advanced Chinese language levels are welcome to apply.
Right now, they are recruiting for the 2 longterm fellowships of 5 month study — besides language, students may also choose content classes in Chinese history, philosophy, Taiwan Studies, literature, media, etc.  The deadline of application for the long term study is:
October 31, 2022.
(Deadline for short term fellowships will be announced in early 2023.)
For a valuable information session, Please see the flyer with the Zoom link for Oct. 6 at 5:30 pm Pacific Time.  You will meet with instructors at NTNU in Taiwan, speaking English.
For further questions, please consult with Bella Chen, Chinese language lecturer in our East Asian Studies Dept:
There is a possibility of receiving UCSB course credit for this study abroad, but you must apply for it before you leave for Taiwan.
Please see the flyer for more information