EALCS Ph.D. candidate Carl Gabrielson awarded Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Dissertation Fellowship for 2018-2019

Carl at his prospectus defense with his committee

EALCS Ph.D. candidate Carl Gabrielson has been awarded a Japan Foundation Japanese Studies Dissertation Fellowship for 2018-2019. Carl will spend one year in Japan conducting ethnographic research on and around U.S. military bases. His research focuses on interpersonal relations between Japanese people and the Americans from the bases, as well as the overlapping spaces of the bases and their surrounding communities. He argues that these relationships and spaces create channels for both intentional and unintentional forms of militarization and surveillance to affect the everyday lives of both groups. Carl will be based out of Meio University in Nago, Okinawa, where we will be hosted by University President Yamazato Katsunori.

EALCS PhD students win Kathryn Davis Fellowships for Peace and scholarships for summer language study

Every summer since 2007, Fellows for Peace has brought 100 aspiring and experienced peacemakers to the Middlebury Language Schools and the Monterey Institute, where they build skills in foreign language or policy studies.

This summer, EALCS announces that THREE of our own – Keita Moore, Kai Wasson, and Winni Ni –will be Kathryn Davis Fellows. Keita and Kai will study Korean at Middlebury at Mills, and Winni will study Japanese at Middlebury in Vermont. She will be joined by Kaitlyn Ugoretz who won a Middlebury scholarship to study Japanese.


Kathryn Davis Fellowship for Peace

The Language Schools at Middlebury College in Vermont and in California, at Middlebury at Mills, are recognized around the world as premier sites of language study. An environment of complete immersion produces cultural fluency in addition to linguistic competence, and participants are encouraged to live the language they are learning. Davis Fellowships for Peace are available in all of the Language Schools: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Korean, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.