Queer Media In China

Lecture by Prof. Hongwei Bao, Associate Professor, Media Studies, University of Nottingham, U.K. Friday April 22, 2022 @ 12:00 - 1:30 pm In-person: 6020 HSSB McCune Hall Webinar: http://ucsb.zoom.us/j/83685296339 Passcode:625025

Small Island BIG Song Performance at MCC Theater

Small Island Big Song explores the cultural connections between the descendants of the seafarers of the Pacific and Indian Oceans through the Austronesian migration. This concert will feature artists who have made a choice to maintain the cultural voice of their people, to sing in their language, and to play the instruments of their land. […]

Queer Taiwanese Literature as World Literature

TAIWAN TALKS Presents: Queer Taiwanese Literature as World Literature Howard Chiang (UCD) in conversation with Hangping Xu (UCSB) Wed., April 27, 2022, 4-6 p.m. McCune Conference Room, 6020 HSSB

Gagaku: Music of the Imperial Ceremonies of Japan One Thousand Years of Elegance and Harmony

Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Mary Craig Auditorium Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 6 PM This evening event will feature three musicians from the Naoyuki MANABE GAGAKU Ensemble led by Naoyuki Manabe. Manabe, who holds a degree from the prestigious Tokyo University of the Arts, is a composer, multi-instrumentalist and dancer who has performed internationally. […]

Gagaku: Sound of a Thousand Years — Lecture + Performance

Gagaku: Sound of a Thousand Years Lecture + Performance at UCSB's ART, DESIGN & ARCHITECTURE MUSEUM Naoyuki MANABE GAGAKU Ensemble with special guest Maestro Hideaki Bunno Thursday, April 28 at 5:30 -- 7:30 pm https://bit.ly/Gagaku2022 The Gagaku orchestra at the Imperial Palace of Japan was established in 701; its music is recognized by the government […]