2021 Virtual Commencement

Date: June 10, 2021 Time: 5:30–6:30pm (PDT) Link: https://ucsb.zoom.us/j/88571654150 Meeting ID: 885 7165 4150

Sound of a Thousand Years: Gagaku Instruments from Japan


The Art, Design, & Architecture Museum at UCSB is currently displaying "Sound of a Thousand Years: Gagaku Instruments from Japan," an exhibition organized by Fabio Rambelli. Photograph by Daigengna Duoer. It is an exhibition on Gagaku, the ceremonial music and dance of the imperial court and the main Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines of Japan; as […]

Classical Chinese Placement Exam (Fall 2021)

The Classical Chinese placement exam is intended for students who have already studied some Classical Chinese (文言) and would like to skip Chinese 101A and enroll directly in Chinese 101B instead. It is offered once per year, administered by Professor Thomas Mazanec. Please email Prof. Mazanec (mazanec@ucsb.edu) if you are interested in taking this exam. […]

Study Abroad for EALCS Majors

Register here to learn about study abroad opportunities for EALCS majors from the Education Abroad Program: https://ucsb.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkdu2vqDooG9aED9PnK8p58Nkn848_y_Lj. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Chinese Language Program Tea time / Welcome Party

Chinese Language Program Autumn Festival Tea Time / Welcome Party Friday, Oct. 22 2pm-4pm @HSSB Courtyard Come mingle with your classmates, professors, and new friends!! We will provide delicious snacks, live music performances, a photo booth, and fun games!! Sponsored by the UCSB Center for Taiwan Studies, Chinese Language Program, and the Department of East […]