Latest Past Events

Creating Virtual Reality in 18th-Century Chinese Painting and Prints by Dr. Kristina Kleughten

"Creating Virtual Reality in 18th-Century Chinese Painting and Prints" Tuesday, March 9, 2021    2:00pm (PST) (Zoom: 846 6268 232) Virtual reality was an essential component of eighteenth-century Chinese art, particularly in paintings and prints that evolved out of the artistic and cultural exchanges between China and Europe. These works created visions of extended realities for […]

Digitizing the Tracks of Yu: GIS and Data Analysis for Yellow River History by Ruth Moster

Please join us for a lecture with Dr. Ruth Mostern to learn about GIS and data analysis for Yellow River history. “Digitizing the Tracks of Yu: GIS and Data Analysis for Yellow River History” Thursday, February 18, 2021    2:00pm (PST) (Zoom: 894 2595 8266 passcode: 719417) Since the publication of The Yellow River Annals (Huanghe nianbiao 黃河年表) […]

Eulogy for Burying a Crane (Yihe ming): Monument, Landscape, and Calligraphy in Sixth-Century China by Lei Xue

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, at 5:00pm (Pacific Time) Prof. Lei Xue of Oregon State University will deliver a lecture on the mysterious Yihe ming 瘞鶴銘 (Eulogy for Burying a Crane) and its significance to the history of Chinese calligraphy. The talk is coordinated with Prof. Peter Sturman’s “Chinese Calligraphy” course (Chinese / Art History 134K) but open to […]