Book Cover for "Playing War: Children and the Paradoxes of Modern Militarism in Japan" by Sabine Frühstück

New Japanese translation of Prof. Sabine Frühstück’s book Playing War

The Japanese translation of Sabine Frühstück’s book, Playing War (University of California Press, 2017) is now out from Jinbun Shōbo, Kyoto, 2023. 『「戦争ごっこ」の近現代史—児童文化と軍事思想』Joanna Bourke found that it “evokes a world of militarized children enticed into war not only because of the needs of empire, education, and discipline, but also because of the pleasure of play. It uncovers the subtle ways that the image of the child was placed at the forefront of Japanese war rhetoric and practice. By weaving together histories of war, the emotions, and childhood, Frühstück has produced a riveting account of everyday life in Japan.”