Kuo-Ch'ing Tu
Ph.D., Stanford University

Chinese Poetry and Poetics, Taiwan Literature and World Literatures in Chinese


Kuo-ch’ing Tu was born in Taichung, Taiwan, and graduated from National Taiwan University in 1963 with a major in English Literature. He received his M.A. in Japanese literature from Kwansei Gakuin University in 1970 and his Ph.D. in Chinese Literature from Stanford in 1974. His research interests include Chinese literature, Chinese poetics and literary theories,Taiwan Literature, comparative literature East and West, and worldwide literatures in Chinese. He is the author of numerous books of poetry in Chinese, as well as translator of English, Japanese, and French works into Chinese and of contemporary works of Chinese into English. He is the co-editor of Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series, published by the Forum for the Study of World Literatures in Chinese at UCSB. Professor Tu has received research grants from NEH, the Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation, the Toyota Foundation, as well as the Award for Lifelong Achievement in Translation from the Council for Cultural Affairs, Republic of China.

He also is the Lai Ho and Wu Cho-liu Endowed Chair in Taiwan Studies at UCSB. Visit the center’s site at http://taiwancenter.eastasian.ucsb.edu/.

Selected Articles:


  • TShanhe lueying [A Sweeping View of the Mountains and Rivers of China], National Taiwan University Press (April 2009).
  • Li Ho (Twayne”s World Authors Series). Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1979.
  • Wuwangcao (Forget-me-not). Original poems in Chinese. Beijing: Renmin Wenxue Publishing House, 1992. Shiqing yu shilun (Poetic Sentiments and Poetic Views). Selected poems and critical essays. Guangdong: Huacheng Publishing House, 1993.
  • Ai ran wu meng (Five Dreams Imbued with Love). Original poems in Chinese. Taipei: Guiguan Publishing, 1999.
  • Zhongguo wenxue lilun (Chinese translation of Chinese Theories of Literature by James J.Y. Liu). Taipei: Lianjing Publishing, 1981.
  • “The Introduction of French Symbolism into Modern Chinese and Japanese Poetry.” Tamkang Review Vol. X (No. 3&4), Spring/Summer, 1980, 343-367.
  • “Li Chin-fa and Kambara Ariake: The First Symbolist Poets in China and Japan.” In Essays in Commemoration of the Golden Jubilee of the Fung Ping Shan Library (1932- 1982). Chief Editor: Chan Ping-leung. Hong Kong University, 1982, 317-344.
  • “Chinese and Japanese Symbolist Poetics.” Proceedings of the Xth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association/Actes du Xe congres de Xixie Shunsanlang de shi yu shixue (Nishiwaki Junzaburo”s Poetry and Poetics) (Chunhui, 1980) l”Association internationale de litterature comparee. New York: Garland, 1985, 665-674.
  • “Taiwan bungaku to Kabun bungaku.” (Taiwan Literature and Literatures in Chinese). Delivered at the 7th Conference of Taiwan Studies, Taiwan Gakkai, Tenri University, June 29, 1997.
  • Tenri Taiwan Gakuho Nenpo 8, July 1999, 1-8.
  • “Taiwan wenxue xingxiang jiqi guoji yanjiu kongjian: cong Ying-Ri fanyi de quxiang tanqi (The Image of Taiwan Literature and Its International Studies: Different Orientations in English and Japanese Translations).” Proceedings of International Conference on Postwar Taiwan Literature: Culture, Identity, Social Change. Taipei: The Council for Cultural Affairs, 2000, 493-523.

Courses Taught:

  • Introduction to Classical Chinese (Chinese 101c)
  • Imagism, Haiku and Chinese Poetry (Chinese 115A)
  • Seminar in Chinese Literary Translation (Chinese 106 A-B)
  • Special Topics in Classical Chinese Poetry (Chinese 132A)
  • Special Topics in Modern Chinese Poetry (Chinese 132B)
  • Survey of World Literatures in Chinese (Chinese 116/216)
  • Seminar on Taiwan Literature (Chinese 121/221)
  • The Art and Theory of Translation (EACS 218)
  • Chinese Theories of Literature (Chinese 230)