Sophia Shi
Medieval Chinese Religions


Research interest 

Sophia researches Medieval Chinese religions including Buddhism, Daoism, and local traditions with an emphasis on how these traditions interact with one another as well as with other cultures. More specifically, her current thesis topic is on the apotropaic manual the Graph of the White Marsh (Baize tu 白澤圖), tracing its development since the ancient period towards the late imperial period. 



Prof. Dominic Steavu 

Prof. Thomas Mazanec 

Prof. Fabio Rambelli 


Teaching Experience

Summer 2020: Teaching assistant for East Asian Traditions: Modern, EACS 4B.

Fall 2019 – Spring 2020: Teaching assistant for Second-year Chinese, CHIN 4, 5, 6.

Winter 2020: Reader for Special Topics in Classical Chinese Poetry, CHIN 132A.

Fall 2019: Reader for Urban Legends: Traditional Chinese Stories and Their Afterlives, CHIN 143.