Winni Ni

Specialization: Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literary Studies; Plurilingual Writing; Translingual Literacy and Pedagogy; Affect Theory; Cognitive Approaches to Literature; Gender and Women's Studies;
Office: HSSB 2219 or via Zoom
Office Hours: F21 T/Th 12 - 1 pm for W2; Th 12 - 12: 30 pm for EH INT 36TS and by appointment
Office Hours Time Period: Fall 2021
Winni Ni is a scholar of Modern and Contemporary Japanese literature and culture. Her research focuses on contemporary Japanese border-crossing literature (ekkyō bungaku) and investigates the roles that languages play in questioning and expanding the boundaries of literature, national identity, gender, and social hierarchies. Aside from her research on Japanese literature and culture, she also studies translingual literacy practices in college classrooms. Attempting to combine research with teaching, she is constantly thinking about the ways in which educators can create spaces where multilingual students can leverage their full linguistic repertoire for learning and expression.
Academic History
- B.A., East Asian Languages and Literature, Smith College, 2015
- M.A., East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, University of California Santa Barbara, 2018
Teaching Experience (Instructor)
- Writing 2 Intro to Academic Writing: UCSB Writing Program, Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022
- EACS 4B Intro to Modern East Asia: UCSB East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, Summer 2021
- EACS 160 Minority Literature in Japan: UCSB East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, Spring 2021
Teaching Experience (Assistant)
- First-year Japanese Language: UCSB East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, Academic years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020
- C LIT 31 Master Piece in East Asian Literature: UCSB Comparative Literature Department, Fall 2019
- EACS 80 Master Piece in Modern Japanese Cinema: UCSB East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, Winter 2018
- UC Communities of Practice Fellow Anti-racism and Diversity Focus Group, Center of Innovative Teaching, Research, and Learning, September 2021 – June 2022
- Mellon Engaging Humanities Fellowship, Mellon Foundation/UCSB Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, January 2021 – June 2022
- UC Graduate Conference Travel Award, UCSB Graduate Division, September 2019
- Kathryn Davis Fellows for Peace, Middlebury Language School/ Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, June 2018 – August 2019
- UC Regent Fellowship, UCSB, 2016-2021