Xiao Hu
Research Field:
My research focuses on Chinese Language Pedagogy, trying to find the teaching methodologies for teaching specific Chinese grammar or semantics in Chinese with the theories of second language acquisition, Chinese linguistics and discourse grammar.
Academic History
- M.A. Beijing Language and Culture University
M.A. Thesis: A Study of “Variant Forms of Chinese Characters” in Jingdianshi wen - M.A. University of Sheffield (UK)
M.A. Thesis: Investigation into the Effects of Orthographic Strategy in Teaching Chinese Characters to English Beginners - B.A. Central China Normal University
- Dr. Hsiao-Jung Yu, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies
- Dr. Michael Berry, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies
- Dr. Dorothy Chun, Department of Education
Teaching Experience
- Spring 2013 – Chinese 3: Elementary Modern Chinese – Dr. Chen
- Winter 2013 – Chinese 2: Elementary Modern Chinese – Dr. Chen
- Fall 2012 – Global 2: Global Socioeconomic & Political Processes – Dr. Appelbaum
Other teaching experience:
- 4/2012-8/2012: Chinese Teacher, The Open University of China, Beijing
- 11/2010-7/2011: Chinese Teacher, St. Patrick School, Sheffield, UK
Other University Employment: Research Assistantship
- Winter 2012 – present: Research assistant for project, “Online Education in California – Dr. Newfield, UCSB Department of English
Conference Papers
- 7/2011
9th BCLTS (British Chinese Language Teaching Society) International Symposium: “Acquisition of BA-Construction among Foreign Beginners”