Xinci Fu

Xinci Fu

Specialization: Tang literature and cultural history, Late Tang poetry, Premodern Chinese literary history.

Fu Xinci (傅歆辭) is a Ph.D. student currently studying and working on premodern Chinese literature, with a focus on Late Tang poetry and literary history. He is interested in poetry exchange as a literary culture and exchange poem as a literary genre.

Academic History

  • B.A. in Chinese Literature and Language, University of Hong Kong.
  • M.A. in Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore.
  • M.A. Thesis: “Writing Places and Spaces in Presentation Poems of Late Tang (827-907).
  • Ph.D. in East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies (in progress)


  • Professor Thomas Mazanec
  • Professor Li Xiaorong

Awards and Fellowships

  • 2017 Lee Shau Kee Scholarship
  • 2018 Dr SH HO Prize in Chinese studies
  • 2019 Cheung Nim-ping Prizes in Chinese Literature
  • 2019 Professor So Man Jock Prizes in Chinese Literature
  • 2019 Professor Tsui Ying Chun Prizes in Chinese Literature
  • 2020 Sung Hon Ting Cheng Pui Lan Memorial Scholarship
  • 2021 Graduate Teaching Fellowship, NUS
  • 2023 Chancellor’s Doctoral Fellowship, UCSB
  • 2024 Graduate Student Travel Support Award, East Asian Center
  • 2024 Presentation Honorarium, Arizona State University
  • 2024 Harvard Institution of World Literature Fellowship
  • 2024 Singapore Association of Writers Medal and Prize for Chinese Studies.

Conference Presentations

  • “Performing Talent As Locals: The Construction And Localization Of Late Tang Zhejiang浙江Poets’ Literary Reputation”. The 6th ZJU-NUS Frontier of Chinese Language and Literature, Zhejiang University, September 1st, 2023.
  • “Writing With/Without Feminine Voice: Mid Tang (766-835) Courtesan Xue Tao’s Exchange Poems and Poetic Voice”. Arizona State University, East Asian Graduate Student Conference, January 14th, 2024.
  • “Topographic Writings and Poetic Competence: a Late Tang (827-907) Local Literary Group’s Poetic Learning and Poetry Exchanges”. CU Boulder Asian Studies Graduate Conference, February 24th, 2024.


(Forthcoming) Jao, Tsung-I饒宗頤. “Suyab, the True Birthplace of Li Bai” (李白出生地——碎葉), revised by Professor. Nicolas Morrow Williams.