A folk religious festival in honor of Mother Chen, a goddess worshipped in southeastern China.

Mayfair Yang Interviewed about the Resurgence of Popular Religion in China

A folk religious festival in honor of Mother Chen, a goddess worshipped in southeastern China.

EALCS Department chair Mayfair Yang recently spoke with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation for their “Soul Search” program about her recent book, Re-enchanting Modernity: Ritual Society and Economy in Wenzhou, China. Click here to listen to the whole interview: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/soul-search/re-enchanting-china:-the-resurgence-of-popular-religion/13739254.

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Joshua Fogel, “Lingvo Internacia: The Esperanto Movement in China and Japan, 1905-1932”

In this talk for the Transregional East Asia Research Focus Group, Joshua Fogel will present on “Lingvo Internacia: The Esperanto Movement in China and Japan, 1905-1932.”

April 8, 2021

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm


Joshua Fogel is Professor of History and Canada Research Chair at York University, Toronto.

Sponsored by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center’s Transregional East Asia Research Focus Group