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Our Gagaku Critical Interventions Lab is Going Virtual!

Our long-awaited Gagaku Critical Interventions Lab is going virtual!

“Gagaku: Cultural Capital, Cultural Heritage, and Cultural Identity” will discuss Gagaku (the ceremonial music of the imperial court and the main Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines in Japan) as “cultural capital” in its intellectual, political, and economic implications, as well as its transnational ramifications, for the definition of cultural heritage and the formation of cultural identity in Japan from the Edo period until today.

This Critical Interventions Lab gathers international scholars and performers engaged in cutting-edge research on the cultural history of Gagaku, with special focus on the Edo period and the modern era. Languages of the presentations and discussions are English and Japanese.

We have created an online platform that includes video presentations, texts, videos of performances, and live workshops and discussions, in the hope that this material will become an educational resource to learn about Gagaku in its various aspects.

Check out our participants, program, and resources here:

This Critical Interventions Lab is organized by Fabio Rambelli (International Shinto Foundation Endowed Chair in Shinto Studies) as part of “Japanese Culture En Route: Transnational Currents and Connections in Japanese Performing Traditions” funded by a Japan Foundation Institutional Project Support grant (Ref. No. 10121178).