We are pleased to announce an upcoming series of events on Noh theater, Buddhism, and contemporary Japanese culture on February 26 to 28.
Here is the program:
Noh dance masterclass by Maestro Katayama Kurōemon X
Monday, February 26, 1:00 to 2:40 pm, Studio Theater (Black Box, next to Hatlen Theater)
Noh performance (Ama, “The Diver”) by Maestro Katayama Kurōemon X
Tuesday, February 27, 6:30 pm, Studio Theater (Black Box, next to Hatlen Theater)
Lecture on Noh Theater and Buddhism by professor Harada Kaori (Tōyō University, Tokyo)
Monday, February 26, SSMS Building 2135 at 5:00 pm
Lecture on Noh theater and contemporary Japanese culture by professor Harada Kaori (Tōyō University, Tokyo)
Wednesday, February 28, SSMS Building 2135 at 5:00 pm
Workshop on reading and translating original Noh texts (the drama Ama, “The diver”) by professor Harada Kaori (Tōyō University, Tokyo)
Tuesday, February 27, 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Rob Gym 1001A and
Wednesday, February 28, 2:00 to 4:00 pm, Rob Gym 1001A
Public conversation on the relations between Noh and Gagaku, with professor Harada Kaori (Tōyō University, Tokyo) and Fabio Rambelli (UCSB)
Wednesday, February 28, 10:00 to 11:30 am, Rob Gym 1001A
All events are free and open to the public, and everyone is welcome.