Congratulations Prof Sabine Frühstück — New coeditor (with Morgan Pitelka) of The Journal of Japanese Studies

The Journal of Japanese Studies is excited to welcome Sabine Frühstück as new coeditor (with Morgan Pitelka).  Sabine has been a regular contributor to JJS (and a member of its boards) since submitting her coauthored article on the normalization and management of violence in Japan’s armed forces in 2000 (if not before), and we look forward to her new contributions to JJS.  JJS is also deeply grateful to Janet Hunter for her service as coeditor since 2015 and particularly for her commitment to supporting early-career scholars and to the interdisciplinary JJS readership.


Established in 1974, the Journal of Japanese Studies is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary forum for communicating new information, interpretations, and research on Japan.  Its core objective is to maintain an enduring record of highest-quality and evidence-based scholarship through the publication of empirical and interpretive work on Japan.

Book Cover for "Re-Enchanting Modernity: Ritual Economy and Society in Wenzhou, China" by Mayfair Yang

Prof Mayfair Yang Podcast Interviews On Re-enchanting Modernity: Ritual Economy and Society in Wenzhou, China

Here are two lectures Professor Yang gave on one of the main themes in the book:  “Ritual Economy”.

  1.  Online lecture at Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley, March 2, 2022 on “The Significance of a Chinese ‘Ritual Economy’ in Global Capitalism”

2.  Online Audio Interview:  “Re-enchanting Modernity:  Ritual Economy and Society in Wenzhou, China,”  on Mayfair Yang’s book, interview with Victoria Lupascu, New Books Network, July 2020.

Banner for "CTS Audio Interview Award"

Center for Taiwan Studies Audio Interview Award

The Audio Interview Award recognizes outstanding examples of audio interviews conducted by UCSB students of individuals who grew up in Taiwan. The winning interviews need to be
about 55 minutes long, good audio quality, and, at minimum, include most of the following questions:
What year were you born?
Were you born in Taiwan? If not, at what age did you come to Taiwan
and with whom?
What is the earliest memory you have of your childhood?
What kinds of values did your parents instill in you?
What kinds of conversations did you have around the dinner table?
What language did you speak at home?
What was your favorite food and who prepared it for you usually?
What did your family do for a living?
What was your relationship with your mother and father like?
Do you have siblings? If so, what role did they play in your life growing up?
What kind of education did you get in Taiwan and where?
What was a normal day like for you at the age of 10 or 15?
What were some of your favorite places to be as a child?
Could you tell me a little about your friends? What did you play with
them? How much time did you spend with your friends?
Do you still keep in touch with a friend or friends from your childhood
in Taiwan?
When you grew up, what kind of life and profession did you imagine
having as a grown-up? (For example, what was your dream job? Your ideal of family or house?)
In sum, what kinds of feelings and words come to mind when you
remember your childhood in Taiwan?
Lastly, if you could tell your 10-year-old self one thing, what would it be?

Submit to CT at your current CV, the interview audio file, and a 500-word description of the interview.

For questions, please contact prior to submission.

The deadline is May 30, 2022.
The winners will receive a certificate and $500.
The winning interviews will be included in the Made in Taiwan archive.

Banner for "Undergraduate Student Taiwan Studies Writing Award"

Taiwan Studies Writing Award for Undergraduate Student

The Undergraduate Student Center for Taiwan Studies Writing Award recognizes outstanding examples of writing in an essay, seminar paper or honors thesis produced during the current academic year in any humanities or social science discipline that contributes to knowledge in Taiwan Studies, broadly defined. The prize will be awarded in spring, and the winner will receive a certificate and $500. Submit the following items by email to:
1. Current CV
2. One Taiwan Studies paper/essay (minimum 5000 words)

Application Deadline:  May 30, 2022
All currently-enrolled UCSB students are eligible.

Banner for "Activism & Post-activism: Korean Documentary Cinema, 1981-2021" by Jihoon Kim on 5/25/22 from 5-6:30 on Zoom

Activism and Post-activism: Korean Documentary Cinema, 1981-2021

Please save the date for a Zoom lecture by Dr. Jihoon Kim, titled “Activism & Post activism: Korean Documentary Cinema, 1981-2021” on Wednesday, May 25, from 5 pm to 6:30 pm (PDT).

This presentation will provide an overview of documentary films from Korea addressing activism and protest from Dr. Kim’s latest monograph—the first academic book in English on South Korean non-fiction film and video practices.

This event is sponsored by EAC, EALCS, Carsey-Wolf Center, and Film and Media Studies.

Banner for "TSW - Western-style Confectionary and Colonial Taiwan: Conglomerates Settler Colonialism, and Tropical Agriculture" by Lillian Tsay on 5/19/22 from 4:30-5:30OM on Zoom

Taiwan Studies Workshop: Western-style Confectionary and Colonial Taiwan

Please join us for “Western-style Confectionary and Colonial Taiwan: Conglomerates, Settler Colonialism, and Tropical Agriculture” with Lillian Tsay (Brown University).

4:30-5:30 p.m. PDT on Thursday, May 19, 2022.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 816 8978 5230
Passcode: 500745
Please contact Kanda Polatis at if you have any questions.