Text describing a course, over an image of several hands holding chopsticks, grabbing food from shared dishes. The text at top reads: EACS 181 A: Transnational East Asian Cinema and Food Culture. Dr. Beth Tsai (EALCS)." Text on bottom reads: "Fall 2021. This course examines how food an the related socio-political issues have been represented in East Asian cinemas. Students will explore narrative, visual, and symbolic uses of food in the context of popular culture and transnationalism. No prior knowledge of film studies is required. All films are subtitled. For more information, email bethtsai@ucsb.edu."

Two New Courses for Fall 2021

This fall, we will be introducing two new courses, both of which are taught by our new colleague, Dr. Beth Tsai (Visiting Assistant Professor of Taiwan Studies).

  • EACS 181A: Transnational East Asian Cinema and Food Culture
  • CHIN 126A: Reading Taiwan Literature

Please see the flyers below for more details.Text describing a course, over an image of several hands holding chopsticks, grabbing food from shared dishes. The text at top reads: EACS 181 A: Transnational East Asian Cinema and Food Culture. Dr. Beth Tsai (EALCS)." Text on bottom reads: "Fall 2021. This course examines how food an the related socio-political issues have been represented in East Asian cinemas. Students will explore narrative, visual, and symbolic uses of food in the context of popular culture and transnationalism. No prior knowledge of film studies is required. All films are subtitled. For more information, email bethtsai@ucsb.edu."

Gold border, red background. Image of a woman standing, facing away, holding a basket and looking at a village. Text at top reads: "CHIN 126 A: Reading Taiwan Literature. Dr. Beth Tsai (EALCS). Several lines in Chinese that give the title and author of a book. Text at bottom reads: "Fall 2021. This course offers an in-depth study of modern Taiwanese literature. We'll look at select authors' work from the late 60s to early 80s, exploring nativist literature (xiang-tu) and local consciousness, literary modernism, female writers, and violence against women in a patriarchal society. For more information, email bethtsai@ucsb.edu."

Japanese Language Placement Test for Fall’21


The application period for the placement test Fall’21 has closed. Please check back in November 2021 for the dates of the next Japanese Placement Test in Winter 2022.

If you have any questions, please contact Yoko Yamauchi (yokoy@eastasian.ucsb.edu)

How to prepare for the Placement Test
Review the materials (textbooks) of the course(s) you have taken before. We recommend to review verb and adjective conjugations as well as vocabulary and kanji. Please refer to the course description (Japanese Language Course Description) for more information about the each level of our Japanese courses. If you have a certain course you wish to start, look at the description of the course prior to the placement test. A course description indicates what you are expected to be able to do to take the course you wish to take.